Chinese Canadian Children's Choir of Canada


Registration Started!
The registration of 2019-2020 C5 Choir starts now! For more details and application form please see below link
Performance Events:
C5 has participated many events in our communities, a few to name:
2017-2018 school year:
Algonquin theatre charity concert,
Theme song performance in Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Game promotional events in Ottawa
Sing Ontario chorus festival
Ottawa Fury opening session at TD Place
Canada International Chorus Festival , Ottawa
14th International Chorus Festival, Beijing China
2nd Shengyang International Chorus Festival, Shengyang, China
2018-2019 school year:
Canada International Chorus Festival , Ottawa
National day celebration events
Gatineau concerts
Christmas and spring concerts
Workshop with visiting US Cornell University Choir
Havana March break trip
Montreal Dowson College
Asian Heritage Month Canada 2019 official launch broadcasted nationwide.

Choir music
C5’s repertoire contains songs composed by its own members that have won gold medals from Chinese children’s song writing competitions held in Beijing